Jobs & Our Economy

Protecting Arizona’s Economic Competitiveness

Protecting Arizona’s Economic Competitiveness

This year, the Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry identified 67 “Job Killer” bills which would have imposed substantial new taxes, costs, or administrative burdens on Arizona businesses.

Arizona Jobs and Labor Force Update May 2023

Arizona Jobs and Labor Force Update May 2023

Arizona gained 12,500 nonfarm jobs in April (+0.40%) – 4th in month-over-month employment growth among all states. For perspective, while the average U.S. job growth rate was 0.16%, according to BLS 15 states reported negative job growth.

Inflation in Arizona May 2023

Inflation in Arizona May 2023

At 7.4%, year-over-year price inflation in the Phoenix metropolitan area last month was 1.1 percentage points below its February reading of 8.5%.

The Economic Impact of Arizona’s Manufacturing Sector

The Economic Impact of Arizona’s Manufacturing Sector

The manufacturing sector has been one of the fastest growing parts of the Arizona economy over the past decade. In March, manufacturers added 2,000 jobs in Arizona (1st in the country), even as the overall labor market shrank.